My name is Matt Drew, and I'm a seasoned veteran in the computing world with a Bachelors and Masters degree in Software Engineering from a prestigious ABET accredited United States university.
I'm interested in continually learning and creating, and I'm ready to give it my all. I want to be around people who are passionate about their work and aren't afraid to show it, and share the same excitedness as I have.
Through extensive experience at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Lincoln Labs, Charter Communications, The MITRE Corporation, MYXR, and as a project manager of countless teams, Matt's ready for anything. His methods of inclusion, extensive listening, and swift action are tried and true. Matt is continually inspired and humbled by the people he gets to work with every day.
Matt is always thinking about the next crazy idea that could be invented and how to make that idea a reality. As a self-proclaimed "maker", Matt continually takes it upon himself to creatively contribute to solving life's biggest problems. Matt has participated as a GIS specialist for the United Nations Mappers, worked on creating custom button boxes for computer integration, published a multipart Elder Scrolls Online Addon video tutorial series (and released the Addon, as well), and produced an ultra low-cost geospatial data viewer and analysis platform at
Matt truly stands on the shoulders of giants and is a firm believer that in order to be a great leader one must be a great team member. Understanding, listening, and thinking critically have enabled Matt to become an effective team member and has opened up new opportunities for him and his peers.
Writing software isn't easy, and neither is the process of learning how to write software. As a graduate of Monmouth University in their Software Engineering Graduate Program, Matt is uniquely & highly qualified to make any software company's processes more efficient, create complex systems, or to develop the next feature that's required to make your business a success.
This has consistenly proven throughout his tenure leading startups, The MITRE Corporation, Charter Communications, and MIT Lincoln Labs. Matt is more than happy to talk about his experiences there, to gauge if his experiences & skills match up with what your company needs.
In 2017, Matt travelled to Australia and accidentally changed his life. In has travels, he learned what it meant to be an international citizen, who he was, and what it meant for other people as well. He returned to Monmouth University and spoke at every event he could about his realizations abroad, hoping he could start to inspire others. He had the incredible honor to give the keynote address at the Macquarie Study Abroad and Exchange Student Farewell ceremony.
Matt has been performing academic research 10 years. His research career started working on projects at Monmouth university, including
This experience rolled over nicely at The MITRE Corporation, where Matt wrote a number of technical papers for the Department of Defense, Federal Aviation Administration, and Federal Communications Commission.
In January 2023, the paper that Matt co-authored in support of a project for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was selected for publication by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). The project defined a machine learning model to predict airborne collision risk for low flying unmanned aircraft between manned aircraft. Matt led the geospatial visualizations and contributed to building the continuous integration pipeline for training the models, fitting the models, interpreting results, determining accuracy, communicating results, and writing the submitted paper to AIAA. The full paper is available to be read here.
Matt's been employed by The MITRE Corporation, Charter Communications, and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Lincoln Labs. For more information about his work at these places of employment, please feel free to reach out to Matt here. The following listings are some side projects that Matt has released publicly. All projects have been completed in his free time, at his own expense.
Matt's custom-built ultra low-cost geospatial builder, visualizer, and suite of geospatial analysis tools using Leaflet, Stripe, and a lot of inguinity.
Build your own mapA machine learning model to analyze airborne collision risk in certain areas using a heuristics-based random forest. Published in The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in January 2023.
An addon for the popular MMORPG, The Elder Scrolls Online. This addon simply shows the local time at the top left of the user window. He also made a tutorial to show how he made this addon, in detail.
A python bot that texts you when there's a rocket launch happening, based on v1.4.
Make ROSaria robots listen to you! This project used Sphinx to recognize voice commands to control robot direction. This was fully implemented, locally, on a Raspberry Pi 3B+.
This project uses OpenCV's LBPH Algorithm to recognize faces. The implementation of this was on a network at Monmouth University, using a custom Ubuntu server for facial recognition processing. The client (which took the initial camera imagery and showed the results from the server) was a Raspberry Pi.
Framework for connecting neopixel lightstrips to be controlled via an Apache webserver on a Raspberry Pi via an API. This would be implemented on a snowboard, so you'd be the envy of everyone on the mountain while you shred.
Matt helped co-found and was the CTO of a local startup that made mobile applications. The product, MYXR, aimed to help people plan and execute big parties (think weddings).